You don´t need to know code


Today, there is a great need for e-skills in virtually all industries in the labour market. Unfortunately, many believe that working life in IT is by definition equivalent to being a programmer. The truth is that there are plenty of job opportunities in the industry, even for those who can't or don't want to code. This is a blog post on Tjejer Kodar by Julia Lundmark Winz.


Article/book/Journal/Research paper
Aeronautics / Space, Agriculture & Energy, Bio Chem Tech, Commerce / Retail, Consultancy & Project Management, Creative industries (arts, culture, entertainment), Daily life, Disaster management, Environment & Climate, Financial services, Health & Wellbeing, Maritime industry, Mobility, NGOs & Social Ventures, Study / Education & Learning, Tourism, Textiles & Fashion, Transport & logistics, Work /employment
Job Types
IT Support, Quality Assurance Tester, UI/UX/Graphics Designer, Database Expert, IT Director/manager, Cloud Expert/File & storage management, Multimedia Artist, Entrepreneur/start-upper, Customer support & relations, Other
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